Thursday, October 22, 2009

Todays Forecast: sometimes different than yesterday

It's raining! No meatballs or ice cream scoops falling from the heavens above, just annoying little drops of water. Of course there are always those lovely people who try to be the weather optimists. I know you know who I'm talking about. Lets use my dad for example. He is slightly old and I would think that the rain would cause some sort of joint malfunction or discomfort. But no, he simply says, "we needed it, it will help us out for next summer." And later he ever so elegantly expressed how he truly felt, "well Stacey, it's wet." (Please keep the jokes to a minimum). Thank goodness for Dads, it's like they are always right, yet for some reason you feel compelled to question them for the reason that such a simple answer seems to make ridiculously awkward sense.

Alright, back to my point that I have until now, failed to disclose to you. I'm not so sure it is the rain that is really the problem. First of all, getting out of bed in the morning is the devils way of kicking you in the face! And this is a problem regardless of the weather. Heaps of things in life add up to heavy rainstorm forecasts, but on occasion the sun will shine and water droplets turn into diamonds. Some of these diamonds are at times so big that they fall with great momentum, hit you upside the head, and at that moment you are kindly reminded that rain or shine... dont forget to wear a metaphorical helmet! Or a real one, my sister Ashley has the 2010 helmet 5000 with a side mirror...ha jk! Just remember to always be on the lookout. Times are good and times are bad, but never turn your back on the unknown for it has tendencies to sneak up on you with a musket or a taser. Instead, show some dignity and slam right into it head first. Life is the most unpredictable character you will ever encounter so be prepared... take a karate/self defense class. Here is one my sister enrolled us in, try it out! "Keeping Women Safe" Sisters SOS Ministry- (817) 446-6116

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